The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2;
August, 1889, by William J. Dyas

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Title: The Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2; August, 1889

Editor: William J. Dyas

Release Date: May 21, 2016 [EBook #52116]

Language: English

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Vol. I. TORONTO and STRATHROY, AUGUST, 1889. No. 2.


5 Jordan Street, Toronto, Ont.
And Strathroy, Ont.

WILLIAM J. DYAS, Editor and Publisher.

Subscription, $1 per Year, in Advance.

Advertising Rates on Application.

The Canadian Druggist is issued on the 15th of each month, and all matter for insertion should reach us by the 5th of the month.

All cheques or drafts, and matter intended for the editor, to be addressed to Box 438, Strathroy, Ont.

New advertisements or changes to be addressed



In our first issue we spoke confidently of the future prospects of this journal, as to its filling a want in Pharmaceutical journalism in Canada, of a certain recognition by druggists as THE organ of the profession and of encouraging words from Pharmaceutical friends. We are glad to say that we have not been mistaken in our expectations. From the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba and British Columbia we have already received congratulatory letters as well as subscriptions, one and all virtually agreeing in the verdict, “Just what we needed.” Appended are extracts from a few of the letters received:

“Allow me to congratulate you on its make up, which I consider good.”

“Congratulate you on your first number and do not doubt your success.”

“Very complete and well calculated to find favour with every Canadian chemist.”

“Congratulate you on the make up and contents of the Canadian Druggist, and wish you success in your enterprise.”

“Was pleased with the first issue of your journal and found a number of items that would be of interest and use to the druggists of this Province; trust that you may have the success that your enterprise most assuredly entitles you to.”

“Find the Canadian Druggist the most interesting paper for druggists in the Dominion. I wish you success.”

One of our advertisers says that within two weeks after the publication of the first number, he had business enquiries from two druggists in Prince Edward Island and one in British Columbia, the extreme easterly and westerly Provinces of our Dominion, mentioning the advertisement which appeared in the Canadian Druggist leading to the transaction of business with them.


By mutual consent of all fire insurance companies (and when will they not agree to increase their own profits by raising rates), the rate on ordinary drug stock is higher than ordinary merchandise rates, claiming the greater risk on the former class. That this is not the case is shown time and again from statistics which clearly prove that although drug stock may and does include goods which are of a particularly inflammable nature, yet the precautions taken, the description of containers in which these goods are kept and the usually small proportion of them in a retail store has reduced the number of fires originating in such premises to a very small percentage of the total fire losses.

In Philadelphia a “Druggists’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company” has been formed, and has issued a large number of policies. Would it not be well for the druggists of Canada to consider the question either of concerted action on their part to compel the insurance companies to give us more reasonable rates, or failing in this to establish a company on somewhat the same lines as the Philadelphia company? We append some extracts from the Druggists’ Circular, showing the feeling which exists in the United States in this matter:

At the annual meeting of the Ohio Pharmaceutical Association, held in 1888, a committee was appointed to investigate the subject of mutual fire insurance. This committee has recently made public the results of its work from which it appears that the druggists of that State pay pretty dearly for their insurance. It is estimated by the committee, from all that they can learn, that druggists by protecting themselves on the mutual plan can save from one-half to three-quarters of the money now expended for premiums.

There has long been an exceedingly strong suspicion in the minds of druggists everywhere that the rates usually charged them for insurance against fire were extravagant. When protesting against these charges they have been confronted with pictures of the terribly dangerous character of their stocks—how their stores were magazines of highly inflammable substances, which by the breaking of a bottle, might in a moment be involved in destruction.

To show that a pharmacy is in fact a rather safe place, so far as fire is concerned, we may quote from the report above referred to that in Cleveland the loss to retail druggists from that cause during a period of eighteen years amounted to only $5,500; and in Cincinnati the loss in eight years was but $3,000.


There can be no doubt of the fact, that two of the most rapidly increasing demands upon the ability of the pharmacist of to-day, are analytical chemistry and microscopy. The former includes that class of demands that so frequently apply to the druggist for analysis of some special compound or even more often for an analysis of urine. These are not limited to the “ignorant (?) laity,” but are decidedly common requests from physicians themselves. It has only been a few years since these subjects became so important in the diagnosis of disease, and therefore only the decidedly studious or recent graduate appreciates or investigates the utility of their possibilities. Referring especially to the matter of urine analysis, for every druggist should be posted on analytical chemistry, we know that very few of our best pharmacists have made any special study of this specialty and the following is an ordinary result. The doctor, often for lack of time, quite as often for lack of information, applies to the pharmacist for an analysis of urine—presuming, the pharmacist cannot do it, naturally enough the doctor goes elsewhere, but does he ever return for any more such work? Does he ever refer anyone else to that store for it? No—all references in this line are to that pharmacist who is capable thereof. How many prescriptions, how much trade is thereby lost, transferred? Just because the first pharmacist could not do a little chemical analysis that would not have required more than twenty minutes of his time, for which, also, he would be paid. On the other hand, presuming, he says, “Yes, I will analyse it for you,” the doctor not only has reason to go there again for such work, not only refers other doctors, as also his patients, there, but trade, prescriptions, etc., are necessarily increased.

We know a pharmacist who, as a result of this one department of analytical chemistry, took in two hundred dollars for the work itself in one year, to say nothing of the increase of trade thus induced. In other words, we believe that a pharmacist should not only be a druggist, but a chemist. He need not delve in the minute depths of the subject, but there are many of its minor branches like the one referred to—that require but little study or time, that not only add to his business, but give a scientific touch to his reputation that the public decidedly admire. As regards the microscope in pharmacy, the many and increasing articles in our different journals commending its value and use are but growing proofs of the fact that the pharmacist of the future will and must be a microscopist.

Here we have another of the many minor studies, that are not only easily learned but quite as easily applied.

The value of a microscope is illustrated readily by the fact that while every crystal, root, rhizome, leaf, powder, starch, etc., have distinctive and individual peculiarities, yet very few of these are distinguishable by the naked eye, while all are easily resolved and can be identified by aid of a microscope and a little experience. When we think of the fact that England, France, Germany and other foreign countries make a business of manufacturing especial “adulterants for the American trade” we can comprehend the necessity of individual analysis. Of course the microscope can only apply to a part of these things, and many pharmacists have but few occasions to use its powers. Nevertheless if one possesses the knowledge to detect anise in conium, or vice versa, starch, sugar, etc., in quinine and antipyrine or powdered ipeac, to say nothing of coffee, pepper and many more drugs that are so commonly adulterated, he could save the price of his instrument in a comparatively short time, and while enjoying the pleasure of this delightful and instructive work would also know that he is conscientious in supplying pure articles to his customers.

It is encouraging to know that microscopy has been gaining in importance in many of our pharmacy schools. Usually starting with small proportions and inefficient supplies—it, as a study, gradually works its way and proves its utility until to-day a number of the leading colleges require the work as one of the necessities for graduation. In many medical schools of the United States and Europe not only is microscopy applied temporarily but much stress is being laid on photomicrography, by which means its valuable investigations are easily preserved. It is evident that microscopy is one of the pharmaceutical advancements of the day. It has rapidly pressed its needs upon the scientific part of the profession. It is growing in demand. It is a comparatively new field and presents grand opportunities for observation, investigation and original work.

As the time must surely come when a part of the pharmacist’s armament will be a microscope and microscopy, we wish to direct attention to the subject in the belief that those who would be progressive may be led to investigate its value.—[N. E. Druggist.


In connection with this subject of cutting, the following interview of an Era reporter with Mr. Alexander Hudnut, the proprietor of the great cut rate store of Hegeman & Co., New York, will be read with interest. Mr. Hudnut said:—

The rebate plan, or any other system of artificial bolstering, is as futile as it would be to try and dam Niagara. Legislation on the subject is unnecessary and superfluous. The matter carries its own death warrant with it.

Some six years ago the drug trade got together and formed a most beautiful plan for maintaining prices. Where is that beautiful plan now? The rebate system is probably its legitimate offspring. Come to me some years hence and I expect to be able to point to a string of lineal descendants of the rebate plan, each of them as helpless to perform what is expected as the other. The world ought to be wise enough by this time to recognize the fixity of the laws which govern commerce.

I regard the principle of cutting as a settled policy in the drug business, and I shall pursue that steadily. Hegemann & Co. have done a business of about $325,000 annually. I expect to increase it to half a million dollars. In London the immense stores of the Army & Navy, and of the Civil Service have worked a revolution in the drug trade, by buying at first hands in immense quantities, and selling on close margin. They have even cut the rates on prescription business. The result has been that the chemists, as they call them there, have been compelled to come down in their prices, and a process of elimination has steadily gone on—the weak have had to go to the wall. The result is the “survival of the fittest.” These conditions apply to New York, and I venture to say that there are not over ten drug stores in the city of New York that are making their owners more than a living. With the rest it is simply a process of more or less rapid rusting out.

An absence of cut prices, and general prosperity marks the retail drug trade of Cleveland. The Cleveland Pharmaceutical Association is clannish and its dues are so moderate that almost the entire trade is within the Association. This gives rise to a brotherly feeling which makes doing business a pleasure; and prevents cuts and insures prosperity. The drug trade in many cities suffers from wholesale slashing of prices from the lack of such an Association as exists in Cleveland. The Association is thoroughly organized, and the two wholesale houses in Cleveland do everything in their power to help the retail trade along, and decline to sell at retail in


In Opium the reduced estimates of the probable yield from the current crop, coupled with advices of higher prices in London and the primary market, have caused a much firmer feeling here. The bulk of the spot supply is controlled by three dealers who it is said are working in harmony to raise prices, in which effort they have already made considerable progress, it would appear, since at the close there was very little standardized to be had at $3.10, the general quotation being $3.15. Natural was held at $3.20 to $3.50. While there were no large buyers in the market, the demand for single cases and broken lots was very good. Powdered has advanced to $4.20 to $4.30 as to seller and test. We have received the following from Smyrna under date of July 13th: “There is no longer doubt that if the yield of 5,000 baskets is to be reached by the new crop (including the 1,250 baskets from Salonica) the fields on the high grounds must yield much more than the lower fields have shown up to the present moment—arrivals of 117 baskets against 570 in 1888, which certainly is a poor showing. It is true that in Constantinople, where they got the opium from the districts where the gathering was made in advance of the others this season, they had received 45 baskets against 125 last year, which is somewhat better than we can show, but is still awfully poor. Holders are very sanguine and will not sell their goods unless they get higher prices, and as they now have increased facilities for depositing their goods with banks at reasonable rates of interest, it is most probable that buyers will have to accept their terms. The stocks abroad were large, but as they have been kept all along at lower rates than what opium could be bought at in the primary markets, they have gradually melted down to reasonable quantities. London has hardly 1,000 cases, the greater part of which is Persian and high grade Turkish, not suitable for the American market. New York has about 500 cases which could be called ‘in the market.’ The balance is held by outsiders who would not part with their opium unless they get much higher prices for it. But all this is a matter of little consideration to the native merchant in Turkey; he holds on to his opium when he sees a small crop, and buyers will have either to live on the European and New York stocks or pay them something better than the starving prices they paid for the last few years.” Since this was written, some cables advise crop estimates reduced to 4,500 baskets (including Salonica), and prices in Smyrna from 9s. 3d. to 9s. 9d.


Trade journals have become an established institution, and the fact that they have come to stay cannot longer be doubted. Their advantage, to both the buyer as well as the seller, is manifested every day in the change which has been wrought in the present manner of transacting business. A few years ago, before these journals were established, if a party desired to purchase a certain line of goods, the first thing he would do would be to supply himself with the necessary funds, pack up his grip and start out upon a tour of observation and inspection; and after traveling over a large amount of territory and spending considerable money, would finally succeed in finding the goods sought for. The manufacturer who was desirous of introducing to the public any new line of goods, was obliged to resort to the slow, expensive and uncertain method of mailing out printed circulars, at the rate of ten dollars per thousand for postage, besides the expense of printing, folding and directing them; and perhaps eight out of every ten thus sent out, if received at all by the parties to whom directed, would find their way to the waste-paper basket without ever being opened. It being impossible to reach every one by this method, the chances for striking one who might be in want of the article named therein was often not one in five hundred, while perhaps a hundred others might be omitted who might be in want of it.

Advertising in a general way in the papers of the day was not a profitable investment. Those papers having a very large circulation, such as the “Scientific American,” the “Iron Age,” and others which might be named, were valuable papers and probably were the best mediums at that time; but their circulation, although very large, was general, and while the advertiser was charged for the space occupied at a rate based upon a circulation of 40,000 or 50,000 copies, yet in many instances but very few of the trades interested and to whom it was desirable to introduce the goods, were ever reached. For instance, the “Iron Age” circulated principally among hardware and iron dealers, who formed a considerable portion of its circulation, very few of whom had any interest whatever in saw-mill or planing-mill machinery, and so on with all other trades, and as before stated, while they were paying exorbitant rates for advertising based upon the large circulation of those journals, they were really deriving less benefit from it than they would have received from a medium of one-quarter the circulation, but devoted exclusively to this particular trade and circulated exclusively among them.

Every trade is now represented by a journal devoted to that trade exclusively, and a purchaser now, instead of spending large sums of money and much valuable time in roaming over the country in search of any particular line of goods, may sit down quietly in one corner of his office and consult his trade paper, in which he will find the goods of the most prominent and reliable manufacturers carefully described and fully illustrated by fine, artistic cuts, so that all that is required is to write to some of those houses, who will cheerfully answer all inquiries, or in most cases, send their travelling man, who will come prepared to give them all further information that may be required, and their purchases may be made then and there to just as good advantage as if they had spent $100 in travelling expenses, in order to visit the same house in person. If any house is neglected by not being represented in its own trade paper, it is its misfortune in not being represented, and not the fault of the journal.

Another change has been brought about, and one that trade journals have had more or less to do with: There is a different class of travelling men representing these houses at the present time from what there was a few years ago. Since buyers have abandoned the plan of visiting these houses in person prominent manufacturers have found it for their own interest to employ none but sober, competent and reliable men to represent them—men who are well posted in the business and who are competent to give intelligent and reliable information with regard to the goods which they represent, and the result is that the public has more confidence and is more ready to deal with them than formerly, while the “bums” that formerly represented, or misrepresented, these houses have disappeared from the road. Manufacturers find it to their advantage to have their goods thus represented in these journals, for the reason that while the rates are much lower than would be obtained in the former mediums, they are sure every copy that is sent out from the office of publication, whether the circulation be 1,000 or 10,000 per issue, will be sure to fall into the hands of some one who is interested in their particular line of goods.

The public has been benefited by trade journals in another manner which can not be omitted. Almost every journal representing any particular trade has secured the services of experienced and practical writers, who, from long experience in this particular line, have become experts in the business, and from whom much valuable information may be obtained by those who have not had the same experience and advantages. Many young men just starting out in life, either as proprietors or foremen in the various trades, have received many valuable hints from these sources, which have been of much benefit to them, and which might have required years of experience before they could have acquired the same information. And for this and other reasons which have been given, what was said at the commencement of this article may be repeated, viz., that the trade journals have come to stay.

No druggist can afford to do without his drug journal. Through the columns of the Canadian Druggist he may keep himself posted on new remedies, approved appliances, fresh developments in the pharmaceutical and chemical worlds; he can, at a glance, note the fluctuations in prices of goods, and by careful perusal of the advertising columns (not by any means the least important part of the trade journal) will keep track of all specialties offered by our advertisers. Our advice is, Read your trade paper regularly, and support it liberally.


It is not a good plan to descend to sensationalism in the methods of conducting business. True enterprise is as far removed from the rowdy-dowdy style of procedure as is day from night. All men are not coarse and ignorant in their perceptions, and no business communication or business announcement should be sent forth that is not gentlemanly and delicate in both diction and sense. A contrary course will soon convince its author that he is making a great mistake in stooping to vulgarity and the small and unrefined side of men’s natures.

It is all very well to make a little noise occasionally, in order to stir up languishing trade. The more noise the better, in fact, provided it is only the right kind of noise, and not the discordant braying of commercial fish-horns. A red-hot campaign now and then is the best thing out, but it must be managed with skill and tact.

The most successful merchants of to-day recognize the fact that it does not pay to abuse competitors. If one’s competitors are dishonorable and tricky the public will find it out in the long run, whereas if they are straightforward and progressive, no amount of slander will hurt them. Praise your own wares truthfully and fearlessly, and let your neighbor’s alone—that is the best way. Brag and bluster may do for a season, but they don’t wear.

When a merchant advertises in the newspapers he is in great danger of saying too much—or rather, of clothing what he does say in the wrong terms. Slang should be avoided always. Never appeal to the passions and prejudices of your patrons. Most men nowadays happily think with their intellects. It is an error to suppose that we can either interest or instruct people by first assuring them that they are all but hopelessly ignorant. Human nature may be weak, but it is strong enough to resent such offensive presumption. The public knows more than many a merchant is willing to give it credit for.

In sending out trade letters and circulars it is not only unwise but positively ruinous to assume an undignified and vulgar tone. Nothing shows the ass in the lion’s skin so quickly. It should always be borne in mind by the merchant or business man of whatever line that culture and good breeding are appreciated even by the unlettered, and that is asking favors—which every business man in some form or other does of his patrons—the language of the gutter is not the proper means of expression to employ. All business transactions should be dignified.

Smith & McGlashan Co,




Sundries and Fancy Goods

Agents for E. B. Shuttleworth’s Fluid Extracts, Specialties and Pharmaceutical Preparations

Malleable Steel Spring, Reversible, Hard Rubber, Celluloid, and Elastic Belt Trusses.

Mailing orders for Trusses promptly filled. We make a specialty of Hard and Soft Rubber Sundries.

Our travellers are out with Holiday Goods and are showing a large line, carefully selected from every Plush Goods maker in Canada. Our lines of imported goods should be seen. We would remind our friends that we sell almost exclusively to the Drug Trade.






Successors to


In calling the attention of our numerous customers to our large and varied stock of Fancy Goods, are pleased to state that we are exceptionally well prepared to fill orders in large or small quantities, and at much better value than heretofore. Buying direct from the manufacturers in Germany, France and England, we can offer special inducements in all lines of


Toys, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Games, Vases, Brushes, Bisque Figures, Stationery, etc.

Yours respectfully,



Forest City Label Works


Established 1882

We are the only firm in Canada devoting special attention to


and with our present facilities we can successfully compete with any of the American or European Label houses.

We invite comparison of our work and prices with others.

We also supply Estes’ Turned Wood Boxes, Gill’s Seamless Tin Boxes, Paper Pill and Powder Boxes, Cartons and special lines of Containers.

Write for Catalogue. Mention this paper.


226 King Street,London, Canada

J. Palmer & Son



Sole Agents in Canada for




The Largest and best assorted Stock in Canada of





1743 & 1745 NOTRE DAME


Please mention Canadian Druggist when ordering goods advertised.


& CO.







71 & 73 Front St. East

Chemical Works and Mills:

147 & 149 Front St. E.



A full assortment of Drugs, Chemicals and every requisite for the retail trade.




Clarke & Co., of Kamloops, B.C., contemplate going more extensively into manufacturing specialties.

Prof. Shuttleworth, of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, is enjoying a well earned holiday in the North-West.

Mr. North, representative of the Recamier Manufacturing Co., New York, has been in Montreal relative to the establishment of an agency in Canada.

At a recent meeting of the New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C. P. Clarke, President; R. W. McCarty, Vice-President; R. E. Coupe, Secretary; I. C. Cochrane, Treasurer; M. V. Paddock, A. C. Smith, W. Mowat, S. McDiarmid, H. J. Dick, C. W. Parker, I. W. Racine, C. H. Fairweather, Council.

D. Taylor & Co. have purchased the drug business of J. B. Meacham, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto.

The stock of Lowden, Paton A Co., wholesale druggist’s sundries men, was sold by auction at their warehouse, Front St., Toronto, on July 24 and 25. Fair prices were realized.

J. W. James, formerly with Dr. C. Clark, of Ridgetown, has been engaged by J. W. Meek as manager of his branch drug store at Glencoe, Ont.

W. A. Lavel & Co., Smith’s Falls, have dissolved partnership. The business is continued by W. A. Lavell.

J. W. Yeomans, formerly in business in Hamilton, is on the road for the Davis & Lawrence Co.

Mr. Harry Warwick, of Warwick Freres, Grasse, France, was in the city this week.

Mr. Houston, formerly with the Davis & Lawrence Co., is on the road for Messrs. Thos. Leeming & Co., Montreal.

R. T. Shaw, the Almonte druggist, assigned for creditors’ benefit on the 24th July.

Dr. C. J. Edgar, of Inverness, P.Q., has just sold out his drug business.

Tyrrell H. Duncombe, who has been clerking in his cousin Dr. Duncombe’s drug store in St. Thomas, has just bought out the business.

Among the many losses by death that we have heard of lately we regret exceedingly to have to announce that of Thomas B. Barker, who has for years been doing business as a wholesale druggist in St. John. His son, who of late years has been a partner in the firm, will continue the business.

W. B. Thompson, the Cornwall druggist, is advertising his business for sale by tender.

G. W. Henderson, who has for years had a well established drug business in Liverpool, N.S., died early in the month.

R. O. Snider & Co., Toronto, were fined for breach of the Weight and Measures Act.

Stuart W. Johnston’s store at the Island makes a bright spot. Mr. Unsworth, his assistant, reports business good.

Lowden, Paton & Co.’s sale was largely attended by retail men and some good bargains were picked up.

Mr. Lowden is now the selling agent of the Burlington Glass Company, a line in which he is thoroughly versed.

J. F. Holland, the druggist and stationer in the town bearing his own name, was burned on 30th July.

Mellin’s food has advanced 5% owing to the duty being raised to 35% and 1¼c. lb.

R. Weir, Toronto, has removed from Yonge St. to corner of Isabella and Jarvis.

C. H. Cowen, corner Wilton Ave. and Parliament, has removed to corner Carlton and Parliament Sts., Toronto.

Auction sales are very unsatisfactory affairs at all times, and we fear that there was no exception to the rule in the case of Lowden, Paton & Co., who got rid of most of their stock the last week in July through the assistance of Suckling, Cassidy & Co., the Toronto trade auctioneers. When people buy at auctions, if they are well posted in values, they rarely bid above half the value of the goods and if the quantities are large they are not content unless they obtain decided bargains. At the Lowden-Paton sale plush goods were sold in large quantities at prices that would scarcely pay for the fittings, while rubber goods and extracts simply brought no value at all. This sale is but another reminder of the fact that a stock and business are not in themselves of any more value than they will bring under the hammer, but are merely means to an end—an annual income. When taking stock this fact should not be forgotten and a liberal discount should always be made on fixtures and such goods as are considered poor or dead stock.

The wise druggist: “Well, sonny, what is it?” asked the drug clerk, peering over the counter at the 3-feet mite of humanity. “Mamma sent me to get a piece of soap—cast-iron, I think she said.” “We don’t keep any summer hotel soap here,” returned the clerk; “you must have mistaken the metal. Wasn’t it Castile?”—[Life.





Dr. Austin Flint gives (N. Y. Med. Jour.) the formula of a saline and chalybeate tonic which is now prepared by several leading drug houses in New York city in the form of tablets. It is used with success in loss of appetite, etc., and is also said to be an excellent remedy in Bright’s disease. The following is the formula:—

Sodii chloridi3 ij
Potassii chloridigr. ix.
sulphgr. vj.
carbgr. iij.
Sodii carbgr. xxxvj.
Magnes. carbgr. iij.
Calc. phos. præcip    ℨss.
carbgr. iij.
Ferri redactigr. xxvij.
carbgr. iij.

Mix and divide into 60 tablets, two of which may be taken three times a day after eating.


Hydrochlorate of ammonium    4 parts.
Dilute hydrochloric acid5 parts.
Lait virginal50 parts.
Glycerin30 parts.

Mix, with strong and continued agitation. The freckles are to be touched morning and evening with a camel’s hair pencil wet with this solution. “Lait virginal” is a mixture of 2 parts tincture of benzoin with 62 parts orange flower water.—L’ Union Medicale.


To make a benzine jelly for removing grease spots from textiles Meyer Bros.’ Druggist recommends the following:


Infusion of soap bark, 20 per cent.  4 fl. dra.
Benzine2 fl. ozs.

Mix and shake for half an hour and then let stand for 12 hours to gelatinize.


A translucent, gelatinized benzine can be made as follows:

Tincture of soap bark    12 fl. drs.
Benzine to make8 fl. ozs.

Mix as in first formula.


The following formulæ for sachet powders are given in the Chemist and Druggist:

Lavender flowers128
Oil of lavender1
Tincture of ambergris2
New Mown Hay.Parts.
Orris root2 200
Tonka beans300
Oil of bitter almonds1
Oil of rose geranium12
Oil of rose3
Oil of bergamot6
Extract of musk64
Jockey Club.Parts.
Orris root600
Sandal wood100
Oil of bergamot16
Oil of rose1
Extract of musk32
Extract of civet16
Orris root400
Rhodium wood100
Rose leaves100
Black currant leaves100
Musk pods8
Oil of bitter almonds 

The solids should be in a coarse powder, freshly ground.


Morphine acetategr. j.
Oil peppermintgtts. v.
Phenolgtts. xx.

M. Apply with cotton. Jour. de Med.


The half-yearly meeting of the Ontario College of Pharmacy was opened in the college buildings, Gerrard Street East, Toronto, on Tuesday, August 6th, at 3 o’clock p.m. There were present: Mr. John A. Clark, Hamilton; Mr. J. E. D’Avignon, Windsor; John J. Hall, Woodstock; G. S. Hobart, Kingston; Andrew Jeffrey, Toronto; L. T. Lawrence, London; John McKee, Peterboro’; J. H. Mackenzie, Toronto; C. H. McGregor, Brantford; A. B. Petrie, Guelph; J. W. Slaven, Orillia, and Henry Watters, Ottawa.

On the motion of Mr. John McKee, seconded by Mr. Andrew Jeffrey, the President, Mr. John A. Clark, Hamilton, was appointed Chairman.

The Chairman called upon Mr. Isaac T. Lewis who read the result of the election of members to the council and the number of ballots cast for each and the same was approved.

President Clark said that when he undertook the duties of president two years ago, he realized that it would be a task of considerable difficulty to discharge the duties to the satisfaction of the members of the Board. He hoped the meeting would not be characterised by any unpleasant feeling such as had been manifested in the late Council.

Nominations for Vice-President having been declared in order, Mr. J. E D’Avignon moved the appointment of Mr. W. B. Saunders, and Mr. C. H. McGregor moved Mr. J. Hall. Mr. Hall was elected, only one ballot being cast for Mr. Saunders who was not present.

The Vice-President, in the course of a brief speech, expressed the reluctance he felt in opposing Mr. Hall. He would reserve his reasons for doing so until Mr. Saunders was present. It was necessary in giving effect to the new act that men who held office before should be identified with the Council. He would do his best to secure for the college any of the benefits obtained from the act.

On the motion of Mr. J. H. Mackenzie, seconded by Mr. L. T. Lawrence, Mr. Isaac T. Lewis was re-elected Treasurer and Registrar for the next two years.

The Chairman stated that the auditor, Mr. Daniels was away in England, and that it would be necessary to appoint another for the unexpired term. On the motion of Mr. J. H. Mackenzie, seconded by Mr. J. McKee, Mr. W. A. Hargreaves appointed for the unexpired term.

Mr. H. Watters, seconded by Mr. John McKee, moved that a committee consisting of Messrs Slaven, Hall, Jeffrey and the mover and seconder be appointed to strike standing committees.

Mr. C. H. McGregor, seconded by Mr. J. J. Hall, moved as an amendment that Messrs. Hobart, Watters, Petrie, Mackenzie and McGregor receive the appointment. The amendment was lost by eight votes to four.

Mr. D’Avignon moved the adoption of the minutes as printed in the Pharmaceutical Journal for February.

The Chairman—I object to that, as part of them recorded there not true. I refer to page 117 of the journal where it says: “The President rose to a question of privilege referred to some statements made in the World with regard to his connection with the Pearen matter.” I object to the manner in which that is put in.

Mr. Lewis, Registrar, at the President’s request, read the minutes as recorded in the minute book as follows:

“The President arose to speak on a matter of privilege, and explained to the council the action he had taken in the matter of the attempt at alteration of the Register of Apprentices by J. M. Pearen, and read to the Council the letter in the World of February 8th, and claimed the statements therein were not in accord with the facts, and he thought it was due to him that the Council should not allow them to be uncontradicted.”

Mr. Davidson—Then I infer that the report in the Journal with that exception is correct?

The Chairman—As far as I know.

Mr. D’Avignon, seconded by Mr. Watters, moved that the minutes of last meeting of the Council be accepted as read, the inference being that they were read from the minutes and not from the Journal.

This was agreed to unanimously.

The Committee on Standing Committees reported as follows:—

Executive and Finance—Mackenzie, Petrie, Slaven, Hall, Hobart.

Education—Jeffrey, D’Avignon, Watters, Petrie, Slaven.

By-laws and Legislation—Hall, Hobart, D’Avignon, McKee, Lawrence.

Infringements—Mackenzie, Watters, Hobart, Lawrence and Saunders.

Mr. Mackenzie thought the whole Council should act on such an important branch as the Infringement Committee, but Mr. Watters pointed out that this was contrary to the constitution, which limited the number to five.

Mr. Hall and Mr. Hobart seemed to favour the amendment of Mr. Mackenzie, stating that it was difficult to cover the districts in any other way without the appointment of a private prosecutor or detective.

Mr. Jeffrey thought the Council should not undertake such work.

The President sustained the by-law, and ruled Mr. Mackenzie’s motion out of order.

On the motion of Mr. Watters, seconded by Mr. Hall, the motion to approve of the committees was carried unanimously.

The council then heard communications, accounts, notices of motion, educational committee’s report, special committee’s report, regulations for examiners and applications from apprentices, after which they adjourned till Wednesday, at 10 o’clock, a.m., the business of considering the reports being referred to the various committees.

Wednesday Morning.

The Council met at 10 o’clock, President John A. Clark in the chair.

The Chairman read some correspondence he had with Mr. E. R. Beckwith, Secretary of the State Board of Pharmacy, at Petersburg, Virginia. He (the Chairman) remarked that there had been a difference of opinion in the Council regarding the Pharmacy laws. The desire of the writer was that those who passed the examinations before competent Boards could pass into and practise in any other State without re-examination, and that the certificate of the Secretary should suffice. Seventy-five per cent of marks were suggested as requisite. It was proposed to call a convention of State delegates to arrange the matter, and that the vote of two-thirds of those so assembled should be sufficient to give power to act. He (the Chairman) wrote Mr. Beckwith on June 13, giving him the names of colleges with whom the Ontario College interchanged certificates, namely: the Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Massachusetts and California Colleges, and with the Board of Pharmacy of the City and County of New York. As regards the scheme of interchange so far, the States reported as follows: Delaware considered unadvisable; Tennessee, yes; Nebraska does not favor; Pennsylvania, undesirable; North Carolina, yes; Michigan and Minnesota, yes.

Mr. A. B. Petrie said that in many of the State Boards four or five men met together and granted diplomas, while many of the colleges were private enterprises. While the Ontario College was desirous to raise the standard, a step of this kind might be injurious if not dangerous.

Mr. G. S. Hobart thought it would prove a benefit to go into the arrangement as more young men crossed into the United States to practise than came from the United States to this country.

On the motion of Mr. Andrew Jeffrey, seconded by Mr. H. Watters, the following resolution was put and carried:

“That the communication of E. B. Beckwith, of Petersburg, Virginia, referring to the holding of a convention of State and other Boards of Pharmacy, be received, and the President of the Council be instructed to watch the proceedings, and if he deems it in the interest of the College he is hereby empowered to attend such convention.”

Mr. Lewis read the Registrar and Treasurer’s report as follows:—

“I beg to report that since 1st February, 1889, the following medical practitioners have taken out registration:—Wm. Spencer Harrison, Brantford; James Switzer Freeborn, Lionshead; R. G. Montgomery, Forest River, Dakota; W. B. Nisbet, Angus; Alexander M. McFaul, Staynor; Richard Allan Clark, Ridgetown; D. C. Leitch, Dutton; George Veitch, Linwood; Declan E. Foley, Westport; John Cuthbertson Choffut, Keene; Francis Rorke, London; James McDiarmid, Hensall; Richard R. Hopkins, Grand Valley; Michael Jos. Keene, Brantford; Francois Xavier Balade, Ottawa; Wm. Alexander Munns, Thetford; Duncan McEdward, Thetford; Geo. Johnston Dickson, Desboro’.

“The number of applications for registration has been 123, a small number of whom have been registered, the balance being kept in abeyance for the Council to deal with. The numbers of renewals issued since February 1st, 1889, were as follows: 1 for 1886, 3 for 1887, 54 for 1888, and 551 for 1889, total 609. The register showed the members in arrears, 86 for 1888, 200 for 1889, as near as I can judge. The statement of receipts and disbursements showed balance on hand at the beginning of the year to have been $5,095.94; receipts, $3,865.23; disbursements, $5,546.81.”

On the motion of Mr. John McKee, seconded by Mr. J. H. Mackenzie, the reports were received and referred to the Executive Committee.

On the motion of Mr. J. E. D’Avignon, seconded by Mr. H. Watters, a committee, consisting of Messrs. Jeffrey and Mackenzie, were instructed to take an inventory of the books and other belongings of the club, with a view to insurance, which the Chairman remarked should be done without delay.

On the motion of Mr. J. J. Hall, seconded by Mr. A. B. Petrie, the Registrar was instructed to have a circular addressed to each man doing business in the Province as a pharmaceutical chemist, inviting him to comply with clause 10, sub-section 1 of section 31, being the recent amendment to the Pharmacy Act passed March last.

Several members thought copies of the whole Act should be sent.

The resolution was passed.

The Chairman suggested that a solicitor should be consulted in the case of E. M. Pearen who had been asked to be present that day at eleven, but did not appear.

Mr. D’Avignon alleged that the charge against Mr. Pearen was alleged forgery, and if that was so, that he should be prosecuted. The fact that the register of apprentices had been altered would interfere with their proper registration as druggists afterwards.

Mr. H. Watters—The question is, can we prove it?

The chairman said he concurred with Mr. D’Avignon when he said that a lawyer should be consulted.

Mr Lewis was reluctant to tell the Council the exact facts, but said he would inform a lawyer of the whole matter. He felt more annoyed that he had been beaten, so to speak, by Mr. Pearen than from any other cause.

On the motion of Mr. H. Watters, seconded by Mr. J. E. D’Avignon, the mover, with Messrs. Petrie and Lewis, were appointed to consult a solicitor and report.

Mr. J. M. McKee moved, and J. W. Slaven seconded the following resolution:—

“That whereas the report of the Registrar-treasurer of February 16, 1889, shows that the fees from students of this college for the past year have been $5,756, of which sum $4,378 by this statement is due to the professors, and only $1,378 retained by the College, according to agreement (See Sept. Journal, p. 23), which agreement we recommended be cancelled, and the Professors forthwith be notified by Registrar accordingly in view of the rapidly increasing revenue from students and the large amount of money paid out to the Professors, we believe we are warranted in readjusting the salaries so that each of the Professors be paid by the Executive of this College a definite sum according to work performed. Therefore, be it resolved, that the Educational, the Executive, and the Finance Committees do at once confer with the Principal and teaching staff, and endeavour to make satisfactory arrangements with regard to the same. Failing to meet this, or arrive at a satisfactory agreement, that they be further empowered to report as soon as possible upon some plan whereby such an arrangement can be effected.”

The mover pointed out that when the school first commenced the amount received by the teachers was only $108. It had been gradually increasing, and although not doubting the ability of the teachers he thought each one only had a right to be paid for what he did. He did not know, however, where they could find another college making so much profit. Last year there had been a profit of $1,388, which the matriculation fees had brought up to $1,600. It was a question whether they could do so with reduced salaries. A cheaper staff might spread an influence against the college.

Mr. A. B. Petrie said that in Philadelphia the scholars were certainly attracted by the prestige of the professors, but in Canada they were obliged to come to the college in any case.

Mr. J. E. D’Avignon pointed out that no one was obliged to come until after the Act had been passed this year.

Mr. J. W. Slaven pointed out that the institution was now $14,000 in debt.

The resolution was carried and the Council adjourned at noon.

Wednesday Afternoon.

The Council met at 3.25, Mr. John A. Clark in the chair.

Mr. Watters reported that along with Mr. Petrie he had been to the office of Messrs. Edgar & Malone, barristers, and saw the former regarding the case of Mr. Pearen. Mr. Edgar thought the correction made in the books was necessary in the interests of the young men.

Mr. Watters, therefore, seconded by Mr. Petrie, moved the following resolution:

“Mr. Pearen not having complied with the request of this Council to appear before the Board to explain the irregularities with which his name has been associated, acting on legal advice it is deemed unadvisable to take any further action in the matter, and it is hereby resolved that no further action be taken.”

A communication from Messrs. Edgar and Malone, barristers, was filed along with the resolution stating that in the action of Mr. Pearen, in regard to the apprenticeship of Mr. John A. Dunbar, there was no evidence to sustain an action against him under the Pharmacy Act, and further, that such being the case, no action could be taken under Section 20, looking to have his name erased from the register, and that the firm thought it unwise to press matters against Mr. Pearen.

The resolution was carried.

Mr. A. D. Weeks, chemist, Uxbridge, handed in a letter and an application on behalf of Mr. T. C. Nicholls, B.A., Uxbridge, claiming clemency of the O.C.P. The Chairman, after Mr. Weeks had been heard, told him that as was usual in such cases, the application would be considered by a committee.

An application from John J. Watson, for time served in Hazelton was then lodged and also remitted to the committee.

The following notice of motion was made: Moved by Mr. John J. Hall, seconded by Mr. L. T. Lawrence,—

“That the mover hereby gives notice of motion that he will be at the next semiannual meeting, bring in a by-law to carry out the provisions of sub-section 3 of section 1 of the amendments in the Pharmacy Act, passed March, 1887, providing for the holding of the elections to this Council by districts, and to amend No. 10 in accordance therewith.”

Mr. Slaven moved, and Mr. McKenzie seconded,—

“That the reports of the Executive and Finance Committees be adopted. Accounts amounting to $56.35 were passed for payment.”

H. W. Watters moved, Wm. Lawrence seconded, the following resolution:—

(Continued on page 10)


“If drugs and physic could but save us mortals from the dreary grave,” the Registrar-General’s return of mortality would be reduced to nil. For, in addition to the swarms of doctors, male and female, in London, licensed to kill or cure, a vaunted remedy for almost every disease flesh is heir to may be bought in nearly every street. Addison said of doctors:—“This body of men may be described like the British army in Cæsar’s time. Some of them slay in chariots and some on foot. If the infantry do less execution than the charioteers, it is because they cannot be carried so soon into all the quarters of the town and despatch so much business in so short a time.”

But in our days the vendors of “certain cures” do their business much more easily by staying at home and allowing customers to come to them. They do not even trouble to emulate Cotgrave’s poor doctor of physic, Pulsefeel, who was accustomed to harangue the public that he could “clarifie your blood, surfle your cheeks, perfume your skin, tinct your hair, enliven your eye, and heighten your appetite.” Doubtless vendors of medicines, patent or not patented, find it a profitable business. For one of the characteristics of the true-born Briton is an innate love of physic. Often the most nauseous is esteemed the best, although it may be admitted that the taste for nasty medicine is rather dying out. “To quack of universal cures” has ever been a facile path to public approbation and fortune. Brown wrote:—“Saltimbancoes, quacksalvers, and charlatans deceive the vulgar;” and Burton said, “Many poor country vicars, for want of means, are driven to their shifts to turn mountebanks, quacksalvers and empyricks.” Civilization and progress, instead of leading to a diminution of medicines not recognized in the Pharmacopœia of the Royal College of Physicians, has resulted in an opposite effect. For a number of maladies, or, perhaps, it should be said, names of maladies, have been called into existence unknown to our sturdy forefathers. For instance, we have half-a-dozen new designations for what our great grandmothers would have called a “fit of the spleen.” And for every new name which is devised by the ingenuity of nosologists at least half-a-dozen remedies appear with mushroom rapidity. Even the medical journals teem with advertisements of so-called remedies not admitted into the Pharmacopœia. Bromidia, “the hynotic which does not lock up the secretions;” elixir of cascara, “laxative, palatable, reliable;” pumiline, “for bronchitis, throat and chest affections, fully recognized by over 500 testimonials;” vinolia, “which will relieve the intensest itching from any cause whatever;” liquor cascara suavis, “registered,” are a few among many similar articles advertised in a recent medical journal. Now when orthodox medical journals insert advertisements of the kind they might with grace refrain from, as they sometimes do, calling the lay press to account for the insertion of advertisements of patent medicines. For to the lay mind there really does not appear very much difference between the advertisement of medicated bonbons, “protected by Royal letters patent,” in a medical journal, and advertisements of a like character in a daily newspaper.

It is, however, of shop-window cures we now discourse. So profitable does this branch of business seem to have become, that it has overflowed its legitimate position in the chemist’s and druggist’s mart, and invaded the premises of other tradespeople. Every vendor of sweets, and many grocers, seems to find it profitable to have a special medical agent for sale. In a climate such as this, where coughs, colds, throat and chest affections so prevail, all who sell anything in the way of medicines have certain cures for such prevalent maladies. The number of so-called remedies is legion, and consists of pills, syrups, emulsions, mixtures, tinctures, lotions and potions ad nauseam. But there is one called “cough balsam,” unblushingly described as the “only known cure for cough, asthma and consumption.” Now as cough may depend upon at least fifty different causes, and as consumption kills thousands annually, this must be a very wonderful medicine indeed, and doctors should hide their diminished heads. It is really very stupid of people to go on coughing when they can precure a remedy for a few pence; and quite unnecessary for asthmatics or consumptives to go to the Riviera in the winter when they have a remedy at home. So say the vendors of chest affection cures. The giver of good advice rarely receives his due, otherwise we might say “Don’t” to anyone disposed to trust these cures.

Corns and bunions demand a good deal of attention. There are many kinds of corn plasters and several “miraculous cures,” which are all “painless, simple and speedy,” and which secure “ease, comfort and good temper.” One proprietor of a miraculous cure is so enthusiastic that he breaks out into doggerel—

If corn or bunion trouble you, of this you may be sure,
That free from pain you soon will be by using ——’s cure.

After this the man who merely advertises a corn rubber is nowhere. We were, however, under the impression that corns originated from pressure or friction, and that the only radical cure was removing that pressure or friction after the corn, if very large, had been taken out. Toothache, being so common, has, of course, a number of cures. A sufferer would dare a good deal to appease the hideous throes of toothache, and when plaintively asked, “Why sutler from toothache when you can cure it by using the toothache pencil?” would certainly try this, that or the other remedy before facing the dentist. But, alas! the dentist’s chair is the ultimate fate of the person with an aching tooth, and he may be happy if on leaving the dentist he carries his tooth—in his jaw—along with him. Nervous debility seems almost as responsible as toothache or corns for certain cures. Among the hundreds o’ medicines devoted to nervous debility there are “best brain tonics,” “botanic pick-me-ups,” “golden medical discoveries,” “damiana wafers,” and “syrups” of all kinds. Liver complaints and digestive imperfections are also well supplied. “Candies” and “jujubes,” cum multis aliis, are all very good for liver and digestion—at least so say the proprietors. There is one advertiser who, having announced, “Remove the cause and the effect will cease,” soars boldly above his compeers, and announces, “Head, stomach and liver pills!” It is, however, in the domains of surgery that shop-window cures are most pronounced. “Another leg saved!” “Another hand saved!” “Another toe saved!” by a certain ointment and pills is boldly announced. If all is correctly stated with reference to this new ointment and pills, Professor Holloway is outdone. Cancers are exhibited, diseased bone is shown, and corns are produced, all cured by this wonderful ointment. Bills are also distributed purporting to be the history of cures. One begins, “A boy threw a stone and hit him on the finger over six years ago.” The remainder of the account may be transferred into, “Affliction sore long time he bore, physicians were in vain,” until he was cured by the pills and ointment. Now this was evidently a case of scrofulous disease of the bones, always most tedious, and recovery post is not propter. We close the list by mentioning first “Oriental pills.” Why they are called Oriental pills we do not know, and what they are for we cannot ascertain. The name is curious, for pills in the East, unless introduced by Europeans, are as rare as snakes in Iceland. And, secondly, a cure for chilblains called “Chimethloplastron!” What it means we do not know. And we do not take to it—for the word does not come trippingly from the tongue like the blessed Mesopotamia.

It has been said that faith in the doctor is half the battle. Shop-window cures, however, require more than faith; they demand credulity. Nothing catches a man more than a pretended confidence; and of this among vendors of medicines, patent or not patented, there is no lack. It is astonishing how one is able to persuade oneself into a belief in accordance with one’s wishes. Barnum’s definition of a humbug was, “A man who gives you your money’s worth, but induces you to deal with him by some plausible tale connected with his goods.” Shakespeare asked, “Can’st thou not cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff which bears upon the heart?” This is not to be done by nostrums, and not always by doctors. Notwithstanding the vigorous declarations of vendors of nostrums, they do not appear quite sure of themselves. For the names of eminent medical men are freely used—among others, those of Brodie, Blundell, Jenner, Clark. This recalls to mind an anecdote of the Duke of Wellington and Dr. Locock. Meeting one day the Duke said, “Confound you, Locock! I’ve almost poisoned myself by taking your pulmonic wafers!” “Ah!” answered Locock, “and I have lamed myself by wearing Wellington boots!”—Globe in C. and D.


Alizarine, blood albumen, arseniate, bi-arseniate, chlorate and stannate of soda, tannic acid, tartar emetic, chlorate of potash crystals, gum gedda, gum barberry, grey tartar, fustic extract and quercitron or extract of oak bark, when imported by the manufacturers of cotton and woolen goods for use in their own factories only; and grey tartar, fustic extract, and quercitron or extract of oak bark, for the manufacture of colours, are admitted free of Customs duty until the end of the next session of Parliament.

Sulphate of alumina and alum cake, used as a substitute for alum by paper-makers, are placed on the list of articles that may be imported into Canada free of Customs duty.

Sumac, when imported to be used for dyeing or tanning purposes, i.e., manufacturing purposes, not further manufactured than crushed or ground, is placed on the list of articles that may be imported into Canada free.

Camwood, when imported to be used for dyeing or tanning purposes, i.e., manufacturing purposes, not further manufactured than crushed or ground, is also placed on the list of free articles.


A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and we hope Mr. E. D. Martin, of Ottawa, will long enjoy a successful business in the new premises he has just removed to at the corner of Rideau and Cumberland Streets.

Mr. Martin is one of Ottawa’s most enterprising and successful druggists and in the fitting up of his new store he has displayed great taste.

The front store is 50×30 and has two entrances and is lighted by three large plate-glass windows; the ceiling is of polished wood, the floor of granolithic tiles of mosaic pattern; the fixtures are walnut; the counters, two in number, each eighteen feet long, are embellished with show cases, and the handsome show cases on tables occupy positions in the centre of the store. At the further end of the store standing in the centre of an arch ten feet wide is a very fine dispensing case behind which is the dispensing room fitted up with two sets of dispensing scales and in duplicate all the appurtenances necessary for the carrying on of this important part of his business, and though we did not see any of Dr. Brown Sequard’s Elixir of Life, we can imagine the grim “Old Reaper” giving his scythe an extra whet when he sees Mr. Bray, the genial assistant, hand out a bottle of medicine to an invalid on whom he has fixed his eye.

Adjoining the dispensing room is Mr. Martin’s private office where he deliberates over his books—day, ledger, bank, and wants,—and we hope the two last will always be in a state of congestion. It is here, too, he has a vacant chair, not always vacant, however. I notice it is a little worn already, for the ubiquitous traveller in search for orders he always welcomes cordially, and as his trade is a large one, he usually has the satisfaction of seeing a grateful smile suffuse the countenance of that “noble Bohemian” as he wishes him good-bye.


A want of punctuality is a fault in a business man that cannot be offset by any other good qualities. It will be constantly causing serious loss of time, money and temper to those who deal with him, and will naturally lead them to look elsewhere for their supplies. Nothing short of an utter impossibility should cause one to neglect the fulfilment of an engagement, or to be behindhand in filling an order.

When the great warehouses of an extensive provision merchant were smoking in ruins, he at once made out a circular and sent it to all who were expecting orders filled, stating that a fire on the premises had caused a delay, but that the next day they expected to dispatch all the goods ordered. It required all the energies of a masterly mind to accomplish the task, and all the hands he could bring to bear upon the business, but it was done, and his many customers had the inconvenience of but a day’s delay. It was a part of the man’s religion, as well as his business science, to keep no one waiting. That was but one of his many strong points, but they were all of the same reliable character. No wonder he rose to a true and substantial greatness in his chosen line. It is very hard turning over a new leaf in this particular, so it is a good plan to begin right. Prompt, punctual boys are apt to make the same kind of men, and vice versa.

You know that you “boys” are to be the future merchants of the land, however small the chances seem for it now. “The posts of time run swift,” and soon one and another will be dropping a line to this department, telling of their small start in business on their own hook. They will be sure of congratulations and good wishes all around, which will be cheering and inspiring, and so far real help to the worker. The habits he is forming while a clerk will, however, decide more than anything else his future success or failure.

If one has fallen into careless, unmethodical habits in any of his affairs, the only safe course is to “right about face.” The earlier, the easier. Self-interest alone would prompt such a course as well as honesty towards his employer.—[American Grocer.


Though occasionally it might prove to be of value for the commercial traveller to hint in an off-hand way that he has received orders from other firms in the same town, still it would be the height of stupidity to tell the fact right out, as many of the brotherhood are in the habit of doing, that Mr. John Smith, for example, has to-day bought goods at such or such a price, and mentioning all the particulars of the sale, with the addition that the man solicited, if he will give the order, shall get the same article at a much lower rate. Any one who has an eye to business can in a moment see what this talk means. Besides, the commercial traveller who adopts such mistaken measures in his attempt to do business, will certainly lose the confidence of the man addressed, for no sensible person can think otherwise than that the agent would say exactly the same thing to a third and fourth customer as to the first and second. Without doubt a customer has the right to feel sure that the amount of his order and the price he paid for goods will not be made known to any business competitor, and he certainly would be little disposed to give his orders to an agent who shows a readiness to gossip about the affairs of neighboring merchants.

The commercial traveller who is wise will either avoid talk about purchases made of him in the place where he is doing business, or will say very little, always avoiding in this case the mention of details. And this even when questions are asked about them, for, though they may be pleased for the moment at having their curiosity satisfied, people will, as a rule, look with suspicion upon the imprudent discloser of other people’s business, believing, and not unjustly, that such a man would manifest the same willingness to reveal their secrets to others. Discretion in business matters will probably have its reward in the esteem of others, which readily develops into their confidence.

“Your Committee appointed to examine the claims of W. R. Austin and others to apprenticeship registration under the Pharmacy Act of 1884, recommends that their request be granted, and that all similar requests addressed to the Registrar be similarly treated.”

Mr. A. Jeffrey moved, and Mr. McGregor seconded,—

“That in any case where the presence of the Executive or other members of this Council is required in Toronto or elsewhere to attend upon the work of the College, that they be paid their actual expenses out of the funds of the College.”—Carried.

The Principal of the College sent a communication acknowledging receipt of a quantity of apparatus and books from Henry Watters, Esq., Ottawa. On the motion of Mr. J. J. Hall, seconded by Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Watters was thanked for the donation.

The Council adjourned at 4.15 until 10 a.m. Thursday morning.

Thursday Morning.

The Council met at 10.30, Mr. John A. Clark in the chair.

A representative of the Canadian Druggist, who was present, lodged with the registrar an application on behalf of Mr. Dyas, proprietor of that paper, for access to the various reports made at the semiannual meeting. The chairman stated the request to the meeting, and after a brief discussion the following resolution was, on the motion of Mr. A. B. Petrie, seconded by Mr. McKee, unanimously passed:—

“That the request of Mr. Dyas, of the Canadian Druggist, to be allowed to obtain full reports of this meeting, be granted.”

The report of the By-laws and Legislation Committee was read, and, on the motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. McGregor, they were received.

The meeting adjourned at 11.30, until three o’clock.

Thursday Afternoon.

The Council met at 3.45, Mr. John A. Clark in the chair. All were present except Mr. G. S. Hobart. The Council went into committee of the whole on the motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. McKee, on the report of the By-laws and Legislation Committee, Mr. Lawrence in the chair.

On clause 1, Mr. Watters moved that the name of J. W. McEachern be inserted as employer.—Agreed. Clauses 2 and 3, dealing with applications, were passed without discussion. Clause 4 having been reached, the chairman read several letters from George B. Dingman, Buffalo, asking what had been done regarding his application for a diploma. In his first try Mr. Dingman had been successful in all subjects except dispensing, but had since passed in that subject. Mr. Sanders, at whose request the correspondence was read, thought the explanations made sufficient, and the clause was passed.

Discussion arose over clause 5, from the fact that the applicant, Mr. A. W. Caton, admitted having been out of business since 1887. Mr. D’Avignon thought Mr. Caton wanted to set his wife up in business, and by saying that on paying up his arrears he would be admitted was paramount to saying that his wife would not. The clause was passed. Clauses 6 and 7 were passed. On clause 8 Registrar Lewis stated that recently he had an application from an apprentice of Hargreaves Bros., of whom one member had not paid fees. Four dollars was still claimed for one of their branches.

Mr. Sanders thought the precedent in McGregor & Parks’ case should not rule.

It was explained that three of the Hargreaves had interest in one store and only two in another, and when they made this application they had three businesses.

After further discussion progress was reported, and, on the motion of Mr. Hall, the report, as also the report of the Committee on By-laws, was referred back for amendment. The following is the gist of the reports as finally adopted:—

“Your Committee on By-laws and Legislation make the following recommendations: (1) Referring to the two letters of A. L. Foster, of Ottawa, advise that the registrar be instructed to write him, that there being no evidence before the committee that the apprentice did indenture himself as stated it would be necessary for him to send affidavits, duly sworn to by the apprentice and his employer, Mr. J. W. McEachern, proving his cases, and that when received we feel disposed to comply with the request. (2) In the matter of Alfred Wilson, of Radcliffe Infirmary, and the corroborative letter of Richard Bremridge, we recommend the registrar be instructed to write to Mr. Wilson that if he can produce to this Council satisfactory evidence that he is a pharmaceutical chemist of Great Britain, he may register. (3) In the case of W. S. McClintock, of Galva, Ill., we advise that the registrar be instructed to write him that our by-laws prevent the Council recognising his claim for registration, as he has failed to pass on the subject of chemistry, and that at present there is no arrangement for exchange of diplomas with the State Board of Pharmacy of Illinois. (4) In the case of George B. Dingman, of Buffalo, we find by the evidence submitted to your committee that he is entitled to registration. (6) In the matter of A. W. Caton, Owassa, Mich., we recommend the registrar be instructed to write him that on payment of arrears due to this Council he may be registered. (6) We recommend that the registrar be instructed to notify Mr. Geo. M. Everist that his claim, made on behalf of R. E. Sinclair, cannot be recognised, as Dr. G. M. Eastern is not a registered pharmaceutical chemist. (7) The claim of Malcolm C. Rose of six months’ service with Mr. Hazelton cannot be entertained, as Mr. Rose’s apprenticeship contract was not registered. (8) In the matter of W. A. Hargreaves, of Toronto, your committee would recommend that the precedents established in similar cases are according to the Act, and that we cannot comply with Mr. Hargreaves’ request. (9) In the matter of J. H. Emery we are of opinion that his apprenticeship, served in New York State, under E. G. Watts, who is a regularly qualified pharmaceutical chemist of Ontario, though resident in New York State, will count in the same way as if served in Ontario. (10) We have examined the claims of Mr. J. C. Nicholls, largely based on the same grounds as others referred to in the report of the Education Committee of last February, and that like them Mr. Nicholls’ claim cannot be entertained. (11) We recommend the application of J. J. Watson, of Toronto, be granted, and that he be credited with the time from January 7 to August 13, 1888, served with Mr. J. C. Hazelton.

In concurrence with notice of motion served upon the Registrar and members of the Council in accordance with by-law No. 20, we recommend that the word “public” in by-law 3 in the sentence “act as public prosecutor when so inserted by the chairman of the Infringement Committee,” be struck out, as recommended by the Deputy Attorney General in his letter of May 27. (2) That the phraseology of by-law 6 be changed so as to read “Two auditors shall be elected by ballot by the Council, said auditors shall not be members of the Council.” (3) That in by-law 13 we strike out the words “three years,” where they occur first in the by-law, and insert in place thereof first the words “four years” and after the words “pharmaceutical chemist” insert “and has attended two courses of lectures first in any college of pharmacy or school of medicine approved by the Council, the period occupied in attending these first courses may be counted as part of the term of apprenticeship, and the second or senior course at the Ontario College of Pharmacy such course to comprise the following subjects, namely: Pharmacy, chemistry, materia medica, botany and reading and dispensing of prescriptions, and has attained the age of twenty-one years. This shall not apply to those who are registered as apprentices prior to March 23rd, 1889. Such shall only be required to produce a written contract as having served as an apprentice for a term of three years.” (4) By-law 14 after the words “charge for” add “engrossed.” (5) By-law 10. Regarding the advice in the Deputy Attorney-General’s letter of May 27 we recommend that when by-law 10 is dealt with according to the notice of motion given at this meeting, the advice therein contained will be acted upon. (6) By-law 12. We advise that by-law 12 be cancelled, and that there be substituted therefor the following: “All apprentices shall, before the term of their contract commences, send to the Registrar of the college the sum of $1, together with a specified form of certificate, signed by the Provincial Inspector of Schools or by the head master of a high school or collegiate institute or other evidence satisfactory to the Council showing that the applicant has passed an examination in the following subjects, namely:

Arithmetic and Mensuration.—Reduction, Simple and Compound Proportion, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Square Root, Areas of Rectilineal Figures, Volumes of Right Parallelopipeds.

Algebra.—Elementary Rules, Greatest Common Measure, Least Common Multiple, Fractions, Simple Equations of one Unknown Quantity.

Political, Physical, and Mathematical Geography.

English Grammar and Composition.

And at the same time shall also send to the Registrar a specified form of certificate showing that the applicant has entered into a binding contract with a registered pharmaceutical chemist to serve an apprenticeship for a term of four years. This shall not apply to apprentices who are registered prior to March 23rd, 1889. And the foregoing requirements as to registration shall not apply to those who commence their apprenticeship prior to March 25th, 1884, all of which is respectfully submitted.

The report and amendments were adopted.

Mr. McKenzie read the report of the Infringements Committee, and moved that it be received. Carried.

Mr. McKenzie, seconded by Mr. Hobart, moved its adoption.

Mr. Sanders made some objections, stating the work should be done directly through the chairman.

Mr. McKenzie remarked that it was time the Council took decided action in the matter as the country was well-nigh flooded with illegal business.

The motion was carried.

Following is the report: “Your committee believe that it is time that action should be taken by this Board to have the Pharmacy Act more strictly enforced, and we are of opinion that the detective system is by far the best possible way to reach the offenders. A division of the Province into districts will materially assist your committee in reaching many of the offenders, and in view of that we would advise that the registrar in future refer all complaints of infringements to the nearest representative of the district on this Council; and if he is satisfied that such complaint is well founded, he shall at once communicate such fact to the registrar, who shall at once notify the chairman of this committee, who shall have power to pay over to said detective a part of the fine accruing to the College; and that the sum of $200 be placed to the credit of the chairman of the committee, subject to his order, of which an account shall be rendered at each semiannual meeting of this Council. We recommend the rescinding of all former Acts of this Council conflicting with this report.”


The election of scrutineers was the next business. It was moved by Mr. Petrie, seconded by Mr. Mackenzie, That Messrs. McGann and Murchison be appointed. It was agreed that the President cast his ballot on this election, and the above named gentlemen were accordingly elected.

Mr. Jeffrey was appointed to fix the seal of the College in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-President to all documents requiring the same.

On the motion of Mr. G. S. Hobart, seconded by Mr. McGregor, this resolution was passed,—

“That the registrar be instructed to have printed 2,000 copies of the Pharmacy Act as amended to date, in form and size similar to those in the Poison Books, and that a copy be sent to each druggist in the Province.”

Moved by Mr. D’Avignon, seconded by Mr. Sanders,—

“That Messrs. Jeffrey and Mackenzie be appointed to act in conjunction with the President and Vice-President under By-law 5.”

This clause relates to the transfer of stock or debentures.

The Council adjourned at 5.15 p. m.

Friday Morning.

The Council met at 11.20, Mr. Clark again in the chair.

Mr. J. W. Slaven read the report of the Joint Special Committee composed of the Executive, Finance and Educational Committees, which was adopted. From this report it appeared that the Council have at last succeeded in settling the very difficult question of the Professors’ salaries. Under an arrangement entered into in 1886, the Professors have been paid according to the attendance at the College. Under the arrangement effected, each Professor will be paid a definite salary in proportion to the work he does, which it is expected to be a considerable saving to the College, thereby placing the Council in a position to deal with the debt upon the building. The report was adopted.

Moved by J. McKee, and seconded by J. H. Mackenzie,—

“That Mr. F. T. Harrison be appointed by this Council as the demonstrator of practical work as per report of your Committee.”


Messrs. Watt and John C. Laidlaw were elected auditors of the Council.

It was agreed to give Dr. Slaven a new diploma, his old one having been lost by fire.

The Council adjourned at 11.40 till 2.30.

Friday Afternoon.

The Council met at 3.5, Mr. Clark in the chair. Mr. Jeffrey read the report of the Education Committee, and having been seconded by Mr. Watters, moved its adoption.

Following is a summary of the report,—

“The Principal of the School reports 68 junior and 63 senior students at last term. The fees received amounted to $5,776. The general conduct of the students was in all respects satisfactory. The results of last examination show proficiency fully up to the standard.

“In submitting rules for the guidance of examiners the Committee, among other alterations, suggested that the dispensing clause be altered to the following: The dispensing of five prescriptions with neatness, accuracy and despatch, labelling and furnishing medicine as if designed for patients, the order in which candidates dispensing desk is left and the cleanliness of utensils to be rated.”

The report was adopted.

The report of the Committee re the Duties of the Board of Examiners was also read. It contained the following:

“We recommend the appointment of the following gentlemen as examiners for the ensuing two years: Prescriptions, A. R. Fraser; chemistry, B. Jackes; botany, C. R. Sneath; pharmacy, Frank Holman; materia medica, D. S. Sager; dispensing, Wm. Murchison. We think, in view of the increased work devolving upon the examiners, their remuneration should be increased, and advise that each examiner shall receive, as addition to his present remuneration, a further sum of 50 cents for each student exceeding the number of 50, who shall be examined by him. We deem it advisable that By-law 13 be amended by erasing the words ‘Professors of the College shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Examiners, and shall act as advisers,’ and that the latter clause of By-law 13 reading ‘Questions asked by examiners shall be published, and approximate rating of the answers may be furnished to candidates, their parents, employers or teachers,’ be struck out.”

Mr. Sanders suggested that the report be taken up clause by clause. He explained that a great difficulty experienced by the students was the fact that the number of marks in subjects in which they failed was not made known to them as in the subjects in which they were successful. The Council had set up a standard which was a high one, and did not give an opportunity to students of knowing to what extent they were deficient. All the marks, he thought, should be published.

The report was adopted after a brief discussion.

The report of the Board of Examiners, containing the following, was also approved.

“The number of candidates who presented themselves for examination was 103. Of these 66 entered for all the subjects, 37 for those subjects in which they had previously failed. With an experience of an examination conducted under your proposed rules and regulations, and more especially under that clause requiring that the written part of the work of the examination be examined and completed in the College building and before the examiners separate, we still feel this work can be better and more satisfactorily done at home, and would ask and suggest that such be allowed, and that the examiners be allowed a week in which to return the papers to the registrar; that a meeting of the Board be held before the final result is published, as we understand this is the usual method pursued by the examiners of the Medical College; that the regulation regarding the number and value of written questions be changed so as to read as formerly, and as appeared in the Journal, namely, that the written questions be not more than four-fifths, either in number or value, more especially in the subject of prescriptions, when the value of the oral examination bears directly on the ability of the candidate, and could profitably and justly be enlarged to at least 50 per cent in value.”

Mr. Andrew Jeffrey gave the following notice of motion for amendment of By-law 12 to erase the following: “The professors of the College shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Examiners, and shall act as advisers, and that the latter clause of By-law 13, reading ‘The questions asked at the examinations shall be published, and approximate rating of the answers may be furnished to candidates, their parents, employers, or teachers,’ be struck out.”

On the motion of Mr. Watters the meeting adjourned at 3.45, to meet at 2 p.m. on the first Tuesday in February, 1890.



J. DOUGLAS, Manager

Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries, Fine
Chemicals, Perfumery, and all Goods
required by Chemists.


Fluid Extracts, and Fine Pharmaceutical
Citrate of Magnesia, Etc.

We beg to intimate to the trade, and particularly to those who are commencing business on their own account, that we keep IN STOCK every requirement of a first-class Chemist and Druggist.

We carry full and complete sets of


and everything necessary for the executing of an opening order on the shortest notice.

Correspondence in regard to Prices, Terms, etc. solicited.


We have taken a great deal of trouble to put before our friends and the Trade the excellent character of this preparation. It is offered at a reasonable price, and dispensing chemists should put before their Medical friends its well-known merits. It possesses high digestive powers, is perfectly solvent, and keeps well. We have it in 1 lb., ½ lb. and 1 oz. bottles.

The London Drug Co.,—Importers



It is always in order to talk about the deportment of clerks towards customers, says Geyer’s Stationer. Almost every person one meets has a theory on the subject which, on investigation, will be found more or less tinctured with selfishness. Admitting that clerks are not always as affable as they should be, it is just as true, on the other hand, that customers are often at fault in manners, and too frequently excite similar shortcomings in those who are serving them for the time being. Still, in the world of clerks, patience should never cease to be a virtue, and a good salesman or saleswoman will never show a ruffled temper even under the most trying circumstances. Next to affable manners a cool head is of vital importance, for who likes to deal with fussy, confused people, and when rapid work is necessary, as at the busy season in large retail stores, the man or woman with a rather short supply of nerves will generally come out ahead.

Alertness and promptness are conceded requisites and obligingness a positive essential. But the faculty most valuable in a salesman is that of reading character, and if it is backed by ready adaptability and a mind sufficiently well informed to cater mildly to discoverable idiosyncrasies, so much the better.

A salesman’s business is, of course, to sell goods, but it is equally his duty to make the store a pleasant place for customers; and above all, to make them carry away a feeling of perfect satisfaction with the business they have transacted. This can be done without giving overweight or over-measurement, which are nothing less than a betrayal of trust, and as reprehensible as giving short weight and measure, the odium of which must, in the nature of things, fall upon the employer.

“Put yourself in his place” is an excellent guide to practice. A clerk who considers what qualities and qualifications he would like in employees were he, himself, an employer of men, and governs his conduct accordingly, will not stray far from the right course. An employer who can, in fancy, put himself behind the counter and view himself from the clerk’s standpoint, will be vastly wiser and more successful in his management, and customers who can imagine themselves in the salesman’s place, and can comprehend the thousand and one trials they are subjected to by careless and indifferent humanity, will, if they choose, be able to save both themselves and the clerks an infinite amount of wear and tear of nerve force, and at the same time, receive vastly more satisfactory service.

An English syndicate has subscribed $10,000,000 to establish extensive iron and steel works at Vallejo, Cal.




We would call the attention of druggists to the advertisement of Major’s Cement in our advertising columns. Major’s Cement has a deservedly increasing sale in the United States and is now extensively sold throughout the Dominion. Mr. Major is now giving away to druggists a handsome thermometer 24 inches long with orders for his goods. These cannot help of themselves to be quite an attraction and aid to business, and we would advise our subscribers to write A. Major, 232 William St., New York, mentioning the Canadian Druggist, for prices and terms.

The Stillman Remedies Company, of 58 West 55th St., New York, have opened a Canadian agency for the sale of their celebrated Garfield Tea at 28 Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto, Ont. The trade will be supplied with free sample packages and advertising matter by writing to D. Densmore & Co., 28 Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto, and mentioning the Canadian Druggist.

“You dirty boy” appears in our advertising columns this week. The sale of Pears’ Soaps is now something enormous, and the proprietors are spending their thousands in bringing and keeping them before the public. No druggist’s stock is complete without a full assortment of these goods. J. Palmer & Son, of Montreal, are the Canadian agents for Pears’ Soaps and carry a complete stock of them, together with a large variety of druggist’s sundries, toilet goods, sponges, etc.

Smith & McGlashan’s travellers are now on the road with samples of holiday goods in all materials and designs. An inspection of their samples will satisfy you as to the excellency of their goods.

We would draw the attention of the trade to Lyman, Knox & Co.’s advertisement (on the inside of cover opposite first page) of some of their specialties. This young and enterprising firm have made a place for themselves in the front rank of the trade, and we are pleased to say that they deserve the confidence and popularity so quickly gained.

The demand for Wilson’s Fly Poison Pads has been larger this year than ever before. This well-known article kills flies in large quantities, lasts a long time, comes in a very convenient and safe form, sells at sight, and pays the druggist a large profit. The trade should push it in their own interests.

A. B. Petrie, Guelph, is spending the summer on his island in Muskoka.


Short, timely articles upon subjects of interest to pharmacists are solicited for this department. In order to be in time for publication in the issue of a given month, they should be in the editor’s hands on the third day of the month.

Always send your proper name and address: we do not publish them unless you wish: if you do not, please use a distinctive nom-de-plume.

Write on one side of the paper only; and devote a separate piece of paper to each query if you ask more than one, or if you are writing about other matters at the same time.


Editor Canadian Druggist:

Dear Sir.—It has come to my knowledge that a druggist doing a large business in Ontario supplies a physician with his medicines at so much per year, the sum fixed being the average of three previous years to making this bargain. I am anxious to get hold of a shoemaker, baker, grocer or drygoods merchant who will supply my family on that basis. Of course my family is on the increase, but that is all right for me. What can an association do in a case of this kind.

A Member of an Association.


Editor Canadian Druggist:

Dear Sir.—What is meant when a druggist says I am selling at cost. Does he mean that he sells at invoice price or does he add rent, taxes, insurance, printing, freight, breakage, waste, tickets to shows, public subscriptions, required by being in business, (not charity) salaries, including a fair salary for himself, a small amount for sundries, also interest on capital invested, making in all from 18 to 25 per cent. on the invoice price of all goods. That is, an article costs in the wholesale house $1. Its cost price when handed to customer is $1.20. Would like to hear how others figure this up and if my cost is too high, and if I must reduce expenses. Yours very truly,


A correspondent, writing from Herrington, Kansas, sends the following prescription recently filled by him. We are assured by a local connoisseur that the mixture is considered as “powerful good for snakes,” when spiritus frumenti can be obtained:

One ounce of hors horn,
one Ounce Alker Hall one
onse sweate Owl A smale
Lump Of cam For Gum.—[Nat. Druggist.


Who can do business without advertising? In this advanced age, when competition is so great, he that runs the race without advertising eventually gets left. It is considered one of the most important branches of a business man’s education to know how to advertise judiciously, and to do it so as to attract attention, and place it where it will do the most good. It is looked upon as much a part of contingent expenses as rent, insurance, etc. A certain percentage out of the profits of each year should be decided on to be expended for the next year’s business, and the sum increased in proportion to the increase of business. To do business, a business must be advertised.—[Manufacturer.


“How can I buy best?” is a question that agitates more than one mind in the commercial world, and one that very seldom is solved to the perfect satisfaction of the querist. I propose to go into some of the phenomena of the art of buying in this issue and, if possible, portray some of the obstacles in the way of the non-successful purchaser. There are two prominent classes of successful buyers, which are subdivided into many, but I intend to treat of these two only at this time, first among these, and the most favoured is the one who has intimate knowledge of that which he intends to buy, and who is thoroughly informed as to the best goods to purchase; the prices; where they are from, etc. The second best buyer is he who makes a great plunge among those from whom he intends purchasing and endeavours to impress them with his importance as a buyer, and his pretended knowledge of the subject on hand. This last fellow is styled the bulldozer. As to which one of these two classes of persons buy the closest and best there can be no dispute, the person of knowledge is free and unfettered because he is on an equal or superior footing to him from whom he intends buying, inasmuch as his information gives him the necessary leverage. The second is in the power of the seller because if a misstatement of fact is made, the purchaser is at a disadvantage in not knowing whether it is fact or not, and he has to rely upon his powers of depreciation and arraignment of the goods to carry him to success.

I remember once being in a merchant’s store and his tactics and manners on that occasion created the impression, which has lasted up to the present time, that he was the best buyer, or at least one of the best, I ever met. I will tell you what he did and you can then see for yourself. I walked in and awaited my turn; as soon as he was at leisure he came to me, and telling me his name, asked me if I wished to see him personally. I answered him I wished his attention, and told him my business. He said he was exceedingly busy and would like me to call again. I specially requested his time for a short space, and he gave me five minutes. I pulled out my watch and taking it off the chain laid it upon the counter, open. I commenced to tell him about my goods, and as fast as I could, dealt out the points respecting them. As the minute hand crossed the point, and my time expired, I was in the middle of a sentence, but I stopped abruptly and informed him “time was up.” He said he was sorry he could not grant me a longer interview as he had an engagement “but” said he, “I am interested in the information you have imparted, and I want you to come and see me when I have time to listen.” I promised I would, and did so. I went into all the details. I gave him all the knowledge I had amassed by months of study of that one object, and when I left him it was with a feeling of satisfaction that I had been partly repaid for my labour in informing myself of the subject, and that man at least knew enough to buy of that commodity intelligently.

The great difficulty in the way of most merchants becoming good buyers is because they are not satisfied to expend from three to five minutes with a salesman when he comes into their stores in finding out his prices, goods, etc., so that when the next one comes along if his prices are below he can take advantage of it, but at any rate, I would suggest the following to all merchants: Treat the salesman coming to your store with courtesy, politeness, and consideration, and you may be sure you will receive in return information that will repay you for the expenditure. I am sorry to say a great many business men forget that a compliment to their credit is paid to them when a man enters their stores to solicit their trade. Then remember the “goods well bought are half sold.”—[Review.


To the Trade.



Carlsbad Sprudel Salts

Small, per dozen, $7.00. Large, per dozen, $14.00.

Carlsbad Sprudel Waters

Per case of 50 bottles, $15.00. Per dozen, $4.00.

Æsculap Water

Per case of 25 bottles, $12.00 Per dozen, $6.50.

Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal




I was chatting a few days ago with a downtown stationer on the subject of filling orders. Strange as it may appear, this merchant held the opinion that the most pernicious, if not the most damaging, habit in daily business was the lack of promptness in supplying what was ordered. “To secure an order,” said he, “some men will promise anything and everything. You may ask as a favor to have your order filled on the day agreed upon, and he will promise faithfully that it shall be done. You then make your arrangements and find that you cannot execute them. The worst of it is that some of the men who make these promises are of business repute. They mean well, no doubt, but I contend that they should show more regard for their word and respect for other people’s business.”

These are somewhat severe words, yet they are probably warranted, although the breach of faith complained of is not common. Business men, as a rule, while anxious to obtain an order, are equally as anxious to fill it, for the very obvious reason that the motive governing them in the one case is the same which governs them in the other. The truth is that in these competitive times everyone is desirous of doing all he can, and hence he accepts orders with the belief that, barring accidents or other unforeseen circumstances, he will be able to redeem his promise. Of course the wilful promise breaker and his business, too, regulate themselves, for if a man’s word is not to be generally trusted, depend upon it his goods will not find a very extensive patronage for any length of time.—[Stationer.


Some business men do a vast amount of work without any apparent effort; they are rarely, if ever, rushed, and are seldom compelled to seclude themselves from their friends on account of the pressing demands of their business. Other people, who really accomplish very little, are always in a hurry; they seem to have a dozen things to do at once, and the result is, they are in a state of almost perpetual confusion, and the little they accomplish is only done by the greatest difficulty. In a very small country store perhaps a merchant can get along without any system or method in conducting his business. He knows where everything is in his stock, and can lay his hands on it at a moment’s notice, and if a customer calls for it he can serve him without any very great amount of trouble; but, on the other hand, if he is at the head of a vast business, some great establishment, perhaps, in which there are a hundred departments, it would be utterly impossible for him to keep track of things without the most methodical arrangement throughout the concern with which he is connected. Our great merchant leaves the details of his business to subordinates, who are accountable to him that everything goes right in the departments over which they are placed. Some of the great establishments in our city employ thousands of men, yet so perfect is the system that every man can be located at a moment’s notice, and the closest watch can be kept upon the work which he is doing. There is a system for receiving and shipping goods, a system for keeping track of stock while in the hands of the producer or dealer; there is a cash system, a system of bookkeeping by which a mistake of a penny can be detected at the close of every day’s business. It is only by these wise and sensible precautions that a great business can be carried on successfully. Thousands of losses, little and great, are averted that would certainly occur did not this watchfulness prevail in every department.

A writer in the Detroit Free Press said not long ago that “there are some occupations which compel those who follow them to be orderly and methodical. There are none in which these qualities, where they have been neglected, can not be cultivated to good advantage. Deficiency in them is far from being a token of genius. It signifies something of indolence and much that is slipshod. Every man knows whether or not he is as orderly and methodical as he should be. If he is not, unless he is too old to attempt the task, he should endeavour to improve in these respects. There is no danger of his carrying it to that excess which marks persons who have a passionate love of order, but there is a likelihood that he will materially lighten his work, or find that he can do much more than he has been in the habit of doing.”

It seems to the Criterion that this is the keynote of a business man’s success. No man who conducts his business in a slipshod manner can expect to achieve desirable results. He should determine to be orderly and methodical at the very commencement of his career. Order soon becomes a habit with a business man, and by its observance he is enabled to do a hundred things that it would be impossible to accomplish if he did not go at them in the handiest and most effective manner.—[Grocers’ Criterion.


One secret of success in business—the secret, in fact, of success on a large scale—is to conceive of it as a matter of principles, not merely as a series of transactions. There are great merchants as there are great statesmen, and there are small merchants as there are small politicians, and the difference is very much the same in both professions. The small politician works by the day, and sees only the one small opportunity before him, the small merchant does the same thing—he is looking for the next dollar. The statesman, on the other hand, is master of the situation, because he understands the general principles which control events; this knowledge enables him to deal with large questions and to shape the future. The great merchant does the same thing, his business is not a mere money-getting affair, not a mere matter of barter, but a science and an art; he studies the general laws of trade, watches the general condition of the country, investigates present needs, foresees future wants, and adapts his business to the broad conditions of time and place. He puts as much brains into his work as does the statesman, and he ends by being not a money getter, but a large minded and capable man. An eminently successful business man, of statesmanlike quality, said the other day that the more he understood of life the more clearly he saw that it was all done on business principles. By which he meant, not only that the universe stands for the dollar, but that the universe is governed by unvarying laws, that promptness, exactness, thoroughness and honesty are wrought into its very fibre. On these business principles all life is conducted, if not by men, at least by that power which is behind man. It ought to be the ambition of every young man to treat his business from the point of the statesman, and not from that of the politician.


August 10, 1889.

Business for summer months has kept up very well, and for the past month there have been no notable changes in value.

Quinine is dull; there is a strong impression that quinine will not be any lower; an upward move seems probable.

Morphia and Opium, slightly advanced.

In Camphor there is a large demand and a further advance probable.

We were in error regarding duty being taken off tannic acid, it is only free when imported by manufacturers for manufacturing purposes.

Cubebs are dear and scarce, supplies are smaller every year.

Cascara Sagrada has gone back to old prices.

Pot Iodide and Bromide are unchanged.

Fair demand for Insect Powder: prices unchanged.

Mercurials are all higher.

Oil Anise will probably be higher as the bulk of it has passed into the hands of three holders. The basis of the speculative movement is owing to the probability of a stoppage of the shipment owing to a disagreement between the producers in China and the importers here.

Balsam Copaiba will probably be lower; the high price was caused by the crop last year not being marketed by the South American natives. The result was high prices which stimulated the natives to great activity in gathering and forwarding the balsam, and stocks have accumulated rapidly, so that at present there are 40,000 lbs. in first hands in European markets.

Golden Seal Root is unsettled and the tendency is to higher prices. Senega is in about the same position. Serpentaria continues to advance.

Coca Leaves reported advanced.

Caffeine and Salts are cheaper.

Glycerine unchanged, but there has been a sharp advance in crude.

In Gallic and Tannic Acids the reports of short crops from China are confirmed. Galls have gone up 10 to 15 per cent., and we may soon have to ask more money for Gallic and Tannic acids.

In Sulphonal the extremely keen competition between the eight or ten manufacturers has resulted in a decline in price. As things are it seems advisable to order only for immediate wants.

Oil Sassafras is likely to be dearer.

Opium, cuttlebone, quicksilver, anise oil, golden seal root, senega root, serpentaria root, shellacs, star anise, cassia, cloves, allspice have advanced.

D. S. Sage, Brantford, is doing the Continent. Mr. Charles Miller is looking after his business.

C. H. Moderwell, formerly of Stratford, now with Caswell, Massey & Co., New York, was visiting old friends in Stratford and vicinity.

♥    WILSON’S    ♥

If there is a Druggist in Canada who is not selling them we say to him, You are losing money every day, you are losing opportunities of selling your customers goods which will give complete satisfaction, and bring them back to your store.

No other Fly Poison has ever had the same sale in Canada, or given the same satisfaction.


Archdale Wilson & Co.




The quotations given represent average prices for quantities usually purchased by Retail Dealers. Larger parcels may be obtained at lower figures, but quantities smaller than those named will command an advance.

Acid, Aceticlb.$ 12½$ 15
  Benzoic, English, (from benzoin,)oz.2530
  Carbolic, Crystals, super1 352 15
  Gallic1 451 80
  Hydrobromic, dil.3045
  Lactic, concentratedlb.3 504 00
      chem. pure2022
      chem. pure2530
  Phosphoric, glacial1 551 90
  Salicylic2 002 50
      chem. pure1922
  Tannic1 101 40
  Tartaric, powdered5055
Alcohol, pure, 65 o. p. by bbl., netgal.3 28 
      By gal3 60 
Ammonia, liquor, 8801318
  Aromatic Spirits4045
Antimony, black, powdered1315
      and potas, tart5560
Arrowroot, Bermuda4550
Arsenic, Donovan’s solution3033
  Fowler’s solution12½15
Balsam, Canada4550
  Copaiva1 001 10
  Peru2 502 75
Bark, Bayberry, powderedlb. 18 20
  Canella Alba1310
  Cinchona, red502 40
      Powdered602 50
  Calisaya, yellow1 001 40
      Pale901 00
      Rub.501 00
  Elm, selected1518
      Flour, packets2830
  Orange Peel, bitter1670
  Soap, Quillaya1418
  Wild Cherry1012
Bean, Tonka2 50
  Vanilla7 009 00
Berry, Cubeb2 502 75
  Powdered2 602 80
Bismuth, sub-carbonate3 003 10
  Sub-nitrate2 502 60
Butter, Cacao7580
Camphor, English5255
Cantharides2 002 25
  Powdered2 102 25
Carbon, bisulphide1720
Chalk, French, powdered610
Chloroform, pure1 101 20
  D. & F.1 751 90
Chloral, hydrate1 351 60
Cinchonine, muriateoz.1520
Cinchonidia, sulphate1525
Cochineal, S. G.4045
Cocaine, mur.oz.6 007 00
Confection, senna2550
Copper, sulphate89
Cream Tartar, powdered3032
Creosote, wood2 002 30
Cuttle-fish Bonelb. 30 35
Epsom Saltsbbl.2
Ergotlb.751 00
Ether, acetic7580
  Nitrous, spirits5055
  Sulphuric, 7203575
Extract, Belladonna1 753 25
  Colocynth, Co.1 251 75
  Hemlock, Ang.1 001 10
  Henbane 2 753 00
  Jalap2 503 00
  Logwood, bulk1315
  Mandrake1 752 00
  Nux Vomicoz.2030
  Rhubarblb.4 005 00
  Sarsa. Hond. Co.1 001 20
Jam Co.3 003 35
  Taraxacum, Ang.7080
Flowers, arnica2225
Flowers, Lavender712
  Rose, red, French2 402 60
Galls, powdered2530
Gelatine, Cox’doz.1 201 25
Glycerine, 30°tin or ”2225
Green, Paris2022
Gum, Aloes, Barb3066
  Aloes, Cape2025
  Arabic, select1 001 10
powdered1 101 20
  Gamboge1 201 30
  Opium3 754 00
      Powdered5 506 00
  Scammony, powdered6 257 00
      Virg12 5014 00
  Shellac, orange3235
  Tragacanth, flake751 00
Herb, Bonesetlb.$O 20$O 25
Indigo, Madraslb.7590
Insect Powder, pure5055
Iodine, commercial5 005 50
  Resublimed5 506 00
Iron, carbonate, precipitated1620
  Chloride, solution, B. P.1518
  Citrate and Ammonium7580
and Quinineoz.2040
and Strychnine1820
  Dialyzed, solutionlb.5075
  Iodide, syrup4045
  Pyrophosphate1 001 00
  Sulphate, pure810
Iodoform6 007 00
Lead, Acetate, white1214
  Sub-Acetate, sol.1012
Leaf, Belladonna2530
  Senna, Alexandria5075
  Uva Ursi1517
Lime, Chloridelb.
  Hypophosphite1 502 00
Liquorice, Solazzi4550
  Y. & S. Pellets4000
  Other brands1435
Lye, concentrateddoz.901 00
Madder, best Dutchlb.12½14
Magnesia, Carb., 1 oz.2022
  Carb., 4 oz.1620
  Citrate, gran.4075
Manganese, black oxide6
Manna1 75
Menthol4 505 00
  Ammoniated1 301 45
  Bichlor1 101 20
  Biniodide4 504 75
  Bisulphate1 151 25
  Chloride1 201 30
  C. Chalk5560
  Nitric Oxide1 251 30
  Oleate1 251 30
Morphia, Acet.oz.1 802 00
  Muriat.1 802 00
  Sulphat.1 902 00
Moss, Icelandlb.910
Musk, Tonquin, rueoz.36 0040 00
Nutmegslb.1 001 05
Nux Vomica810
Oil, Almond, bitteroz.7580
  Amber, rectified6570
  Anise3 003 20
  Bergamot3 754 00
  Cajuput1 251 50
  Caraway3 504 00
  Cassia1 501 57
  Cedar751 25
  Citronellalb. 85 90
  Cloves2 502 75
  Cod-liver, N. 00
      Norwegian1 501 75
  Cotton Seed1 001 10
  Crotonlb.1 251 50
  Cubeb15 0016 00
  Geranium, India3 003 20
  Lavender, Englishoz.1 751 90
      French, pure751 00
  Lemonlb.1 902 20
  Lemon Grass1 501 60
  Linseed, boiled 9 lb.,gal.6265
  Neatsfoot901 00
  Olive, common1 301 40
      Salad2 002 75
  Orangelb.2 753 00
  Pennyroyal1 751 90
  Peppermint, English1 002 00
      American3 253 75
  Rose, Kissanlikoz.9 0014 00
      Good6 258 50
  Sandalwood5 508 00
  Seal, palegal.5560
  Sperm, winter bleached1 902 00
  Tansylb.4 254 50
  Union Saladgal.1 101 15
  Wintergreenlb.3 203 50
  Wormwood6 006 57
Ointment, mercurial6570
Opium. See Gum.
Orange Peel1617
Pepsin, Eng.3 003 50
  Saccharated5 256 00
Pepper, black2225
  White powdered3840
Pill, Blue, Mass.6065
Pitch, blackbbl.3 754 00
Phosphorus901 00
Poppy Heads1009095
Potassa, caustic, white stickslb.6570
Potassium, Acetate, granulated5055
  Bitartrate (Cream Tartar)3035
  Cyanide, Fused4052
  Iodide3 754 00
  Prussiate, yellow3538
      And Sodium Tartrate (Rochelle Salt)3238
Quinine, Howard’soz.4547
Rosin, strainedbbl.2 753 75
  Clear, pale4 505 00
Root, Aconitelb.2425
  Blood, powdered2022
  Cohosh, black1315
  Colchicum, German2535
  Curcuma, ground1315
  Ginger, E. I.1218
      Powderedlb. 14 20
  Golden Seal, powdered1 001 10
  Hellebore, white, powdered1315
  Ipecac2 502 60
      Powdered2 753 00
  Jalap, powdered3840
  Licorice, select1315
  Orris, Florentine1720
      Fine trimmed2 404 50
      Powdered602 25
  Sarsaparilla, Honduras5053
  Squill, white1520
  Valerian, English1820
Sal Soda, by bbl.1⅛3
Saccharinoz.1 251 50
Salicinlb.3 253 75
Santonin2 502 75
Seed, Anise, Italian1415
  Canary, Sicily45
  Cardamon, Malabar1 001 25
      Decorticated1 502 00
  Colchicum, German901 00
  Flax, cleaned, Ontario100 lbs.3 253 50
      Imported0 000 00
  Fenugreek, powderedlb.79
  Mustard, white911
Saffron, American3550
  Spanishoz.1 101 25
Silver, Nitrate cash,11 0013 00
Soap, Castile, mottled12
Soda, Ash keg or cask,
  Caustic drum or5
Sodium, Acetate2530
  Bicarb., Howard’s1617
Newcastlekeg2 502 75
  Carbonate, crystallb.3
  Salicylate2 252 50
  Sulphate, Glauber’s Salt3
Strychnine, crystalsoz.1 101 25
Sulphur, precipitatedlb.1320
Tin, Muriate, crystals3537
Tarbbl.4 504 75
Turpentine, Spiritsgal.6075
  Chianoz.902 50
Veratriaoz.2 002 50
Wax, white, pure5575
Woods, Camwood8
  Fustic, Cuban3
  Logwood, Campeachy3
Zinc, Chloride1 101 25
  Sulphate, pure912
  Sulphocarbolatelb.1 001 10

Printed for the Publisher by the Grocer Publishing Co., Printers and Publishers, 5 Jordan St., Toronto.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Canadian Druggist, Vol., 1, No. 2;
August, 1889, by William J. Dyas


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